Category: Uncategorized

Culligan 2014

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Project Highlights:

  • Worked with Kennedy Communications to develop the project requirements: telephony, architecture and software.
  • Used Symfony Components to migrate from legacy template engine.
  • Twitter Bootstrap for responsive templates.
  • Custom API and Framework Development for multi-site Content Management System.
  • Integrated version control into work-flow to benefit team development.

Animate WordPress wp_nav_menu

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I spent the last couple of days working on a solution to animating WordPress’ wp_nav_menu output. I thought I would take a moment to jot it down and share it with anyone else looking to do the same.

Once I got it started I couldn’t give in, and came up with pretty simple solution. The document ready should work in most situations. In some cases you can remove it.  You may need to alter the selector, but I tried it on both TwentyEleven and TwentyTen.

$(“#access .menu li”).mouseleave(function() {
$(this).children(“ul”).stop(true, true).css(‘display’,’block’).fadeOut(100);
$(“#access .menu li”).mouseenter(function() {
$(this).children(“ul”).stop(true, true).css(‘display’,’none’).fadeIn(400);


FeLion Studios

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Amplitude Design worked with FeLion Studios to develop a site that was both social and functional.

FeLion Studios, a Madison base art studio, was interested in selling their cast-iron art, and creating a social following for their regional events.

The success of the site led to top listings on,,, and other top blogging sites. To top it all off FeLion Studios was invited to participate on the Martha Stewart Show.

If you are interested in speaking with a web development or design expert click here.